Rio De Janeiro CrossFit

CrossFit Carioca

Owner/Head Coach: Andre (fluent in English)

Location: Ipanema

Cost per class: $60R

If you’re in Rio I’d definitely recommend CrossFit Carioca, Andre is super friendly and they have a nice box. It’s right at the top of the building (around 4 flights of stairs).


Signage out the front of the building

Class 1 – Weighted pull-ups & FRAN RX

This was the first CrossFit class I did after having the virus so I was really excited to shake off the shit feeling and to sweat. I was really lucky that a couple from the class were actually from America and another guy was as well, so I quickly made friends with them.  Andre would explain everything in Portuguese first then English for me and the others whose Portuguese wasn’t that great.

Warm up: Flexibility tests & stretches

Strength: Weighted pull-ups

I got to 5 strict without weight and my 1RM was with 6 kgs


EMOTM for 10 minutes, 3x 45kg Thrusters


21 – 15 – 9 in 8 minutes

30kgs Thrusters & pull-ups

I finished the 15 thrusters and completed 10 of the 15 pull-ups.

Class 2 – Sumo High Pull Deadlifts, 1RP Clean & Jerk

This class was on a Friday night so I was with Andre’s wife (I’ve completely forgotten her name but she was lovely)

As it was a Friday night there were only 2 other guys with me, but it was still a good class.

Warmup: 2 Rounds, 10 burpees, 10 pullups, 10 box jumps, 10 V-ups.

Strength: 1RM Clean and Jerk, I got to 55kgs but that was my old PB, way too exhausted.

WOD: AMRAP – 9 minutes

3 Sumo High Pull Deadlifts (with a 24kg KB) & 3 T2B

then 6, 6 and 9, 9 etc – I think I got up to 15 each.

DSC_0397 DSC_0400

CrossFit Leblon

Owner/head coach: Andrei

Location: Leblon

Cost per class: $45R

Legitimately the smallest CrossFit box I have ever been to. CrossFit Leblon has a different set up to other boxes I’ve been to as well, by not having just 1 WOD per day, instead having 1 -3 that athletes can choose from or complete all. For obvious reasons most of the working out happens outside the gym across the park and you don’t have exact ‘class times’ because the box is too small to have more than 3-4 people training at a time.

Andrei was super friendly and spoke fluent English as well.


Class 1: Weighted push-ups & Rope Climbs

Strength: weighted push ups 4×5 (I used 5kgs and Ricky 25kgs)

4x 12 stiffed legged deadlift (50kgs for me & 60, 70, 80, 80kgs)


x10 rounds for time – 70m sprint and 1 rope climb

We only stayed for about an hour because of Ricky’s BJJ class times so we missed out on the Metcons, but Ricky got a ridiculous rope burn on his leg so I don’t think we would have done it anyway. Andrei did first aid on it for Ricky so he could still do BJJ.


Instead of WODs they are called Metcons


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